Redesign Alat Pratikum Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan
Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion, Practical Tools, Mechanical Engineering, Acceleration and Time, AccuracyAbstract
Mechanical Engineering requires a deep understanding of physics, especially the concept of Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion (GLBB), which is essential for various applications in the design and analysis of mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to develop a mechanical engineering uniformly accelerated linear motion practical tool. This research was conducted in June and July 2023. Testing was carried out by experiment and there were 12 samples in the study that were analyzed using the Research and Development method. This study evaluates the performance of the Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion (GLBB) practical tool by comparing the measurement results of the tool with theoretical calculations at various angles of inclination (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°) and a fixed distance of 80 cm. The test results showed an acceleration that increased from 0.551 m/s² at an angle of 0° to 6.996 m/s² at an angle of 45°, while the travel time decreased from 1.74 seconds at an angle of 0° to 0.48 seconds at an angle of 45°. Validation of the calculation shows that the difference in acceleration is only 0.003 m/s² with a percentage difference of 0.547%, and the difference in time is 0.032 seconds with a percentage of 1.872%, indicating the high accuracy of the redesigned tool. In addition, the level of accuracy of the tool is also high, with an accuracy level of 98.75% for measuring the angle of 0°, supporting the effectiveness of the tool in measuring GLBB variables with good accuracy and precision. It is recommended to carry out further development of the GLBB practical tool by optimizing the design, using high-precision materials and sensors, and conducting tests at various angles of inclination, distance traveled, and variations in object mass to improve the accuracy and reliability of the tool under various experimental conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Rafid Akram, Mulyadi S, Dicky Seprianto, Adian Aristia Anas (Author)

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